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These are genuine 'Momotaro Bakki Showers', and their amazing results have resulted in many expensive copies being made. Momotaro Bakki Showers are the only ones that use the 'Bacteria House' filter media,
which incidentally, is where the secret lies! Accept no alternatives
Bakki Showers are offered at a Premier range, with various weir or chute options being
Bakki Showers and 'Bacteria House' are patented Worldwide by Momotaro Koi Farm. Our systems are the only ones made under
license from Momotaro.
Because of the sheer expense of 'Bacteria House', we are doing our utmost to
keep the Shower prices to a bare minimum, so that the overall package
represents excellent value for money. |
We are happy to sell three tier systems, but strongly recommend
the use of four tiers, as it is essential that the water has the chance to
increase in velocity between the four tiers. More tiers will give better
We also strongly recommend sticking to the use of Bacteria House in
these systems. Other medias will work to a degree in certain aspects, but
only Bacteria House will work if these systems are used as the sole
All of our Bakki Showers are made in 316 food grade stainless steel. We have tried making cheaper plastic alternatives, but it has proved impossible to get a system that had the advantages of the Stainless steel models.
The biggest problem we experienced with plastic, was that it was only viable to have a drilled bottom, which was prone to regular blocking and trapping of debris. So we have decided to stick solely to the stainless Bakki Showers.
All of our Bakki Showers have an open square mesh bottom. These units are stamped out by computerised machinery, in such a way that the sides of the systems are integrated with the mesh, making them much stronger than they would be with a welded mesh. They are also fuse welded so that no metal is added to the welds. It is the computer cutting of the steel that results in the edges so be so accurately cut, that fuse welding is possible. This ensures that the welds won't rust like conventional stainless welds. Also, the nuts that are used to attach the support brackets, are pressed, not welded. We have paid great attention to detail with these systems, and spared no expense! |

The overall
flaring of each tier of the Shower ensures that no water is spilled by
the system (this was a minor problem with the discontinued 'version
2'), and also keeps the water tracking evenly through the media. The
older systems used to allow water to track down the vertical sides of
the system, hence missing some of the media by the time it got to the
bottom tier. The flaring of the 'version 3' systems prevents this by
making sure that as the water runs of the outer extremities of the
system, it is thrown back directly onto the media in the next tier.
There are endless options available for these systems, as well as
bespoke units which can be made to suit your own application. Enclosure
accessories are also available, for 'over-winter', or open air
applications. |